Serving Jesus, Loving People
Pastor Keith Navey & Worship Leader Randy Hileman

Upcoming Events

June Events

6-19 Deacon’s Meeting – 6:30pm

6-29 Ladie’s Fellowship- 7pm at Carolina Food Court

July Events

7-5 Papa Robbs

7-12 Papa Robbs

7-16 thru 7-21 Vacation Bible School



Wednesday Evening Study: The New City Catechism, 7pm.

Ladies Fellowship: June 15th and 29th- 7pm at Carolina Food Courty.

Missions: There is a lot you can do for others! Our Cook Out at Westover Mobile Home Park has been postponed.

Papa Robbs: July 5th and 12th VBS invites and discount coupons.

Deacon’s Meeting: Active deacons to meet on June 19th- 6:30pm.

Vacation Bible School: July 16-21.

We now have 120 videos of music and message on our YouTube page!

Stay Connected

Ways to keep up with the ministry of “The Drive.”

Facebook Group- Eva Drive Baptist Church

Twitter- keithnavey

Youtube: Evadrive Baptist


Prayer Driving Ministry

Caring and Ministering

Sermon Notes


A Foundation For Fatherhood


Ephesians 4:32
  1. Our Practice
  2. Our Passion
  3. Our Position