Welcome to "The Drive," where we are driven by the love of God to share the gospel of Jesus Chris with a lost and dying world.

Upcoming Events

March Events

3-9 Ladies Fellowship, Carolina Mall – 7pm

3-13 Deacon’s Meeting-  6:30pm

3-19 Celebrate Spring Cookout- 5:30pm

3-23 Ladies Fellowship- 7pm


April Events

4-13 Ladies Fellowship- 7pm

4-14 Good Friday Prayer Service- 6:30pm

4-15 Easter Egg Hunt- Over 1000 eggs for the kids, youth band and cookout for all.

4-16 Easter Schedule

7am Sunrise Service

8am Breakfast

9am Sunday School

10am Worship

4-27 Ladies Fellowship 7pm

4-30 Communion



Christmas Mission of Hope: Each week we will be collecting items valuable to this ministry.

Challenge for 2017: How Committed Are You? Five challenges to improve your commitment!

  • Be part of Sunday morning worship 48 of next 52 Sundays.
  • Faithfully and cheerfully give your tithes and offerings to God.
  • Read God’s Word and pray every day.
  • Bring at least 10 different people to church this year.
  • Lead at least one person to Jesus.

We now have 120 videos of music and message on our YouTube page!

Stay Connected

Ways to keep up with the ministry of “The Drive.”

Facebook Group- Eva Drive Baptist Church

Twitter- keithnavey

Youtube: Evadrive Baptist



Prayer Driving Ministry: Freedom

Sermon Notes


Jesus Identifies Our Need For Healing


Mark 2:1-12
  1. The Focus
  2. The Failure
  3. The Freedom