Welcome to "The Drive," where we are driven by the love of God to share the gospel of Jesus Chris with a lost and dying world.

Upcoming Events

January Events

1-11 Words to Fast From Series

1-22 Leadership and calendar meeting 6pm

1-29 SundayEvening Service: Celebrating Winter

February Events

2-26 Celebrating Invite Your One




We now have 120 videos of music and message on our YouTube page! t

Stay Connected

Ways to keep up with the ministry of “The Drive.”

Facebook Group- Eva Drive Baptist Church

Twitter- keithnavey

Youtube: Evadrive Baptist



“Heavenly Father, in this new year we desire to serve You greater and love You deeper!”

Sermon Notes


Marital Responsibilities


Colossians 3:18
  1. Husbands
  2. Wives
  3. Children