Serving Jesus, Loving People
Pastor Keith Navey & Worship Leader Randy Hileman

Upcoming Events

January Events

1-13 Ladie’s Fellowship- 7pm Movie Night: The War Room




Thank you, Pastor Keifer Navey, for preaching our Sunday Morning Service!

Wednesday Evening Study:  7pm

Ladies Fellowship: January 13, 7pm Movie Night- The War Room

Multi-housing Ministry- New ministry opportunities are coming!

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: Our goal is $300. We received $306!

We now have 120 videos of music and message on our YouTube page!

Stay Connected

Ways to keep up with the ministry of “The Drive.”

Facebook Group- Eva Drive Baptist Church Prayer Request

Twitter- keithnavey

Youtube: Evadrive Baptist

Prayer Driving Ministry

Caring and Ministering

Sermon Notes


Who Is My Neighbor?


Luke 10:30
  1. Those Who Appear In My Path
  2. Those Who Are Half Dead