Welcome to "The Drive," where we are driven by the love of God to share the gospel of Jesus Chris with a lost and dying world.

Pastor- Keith Navey         Worship Leader- Randy Hileman

Upcoming Events

 April Events

4-27 Ladies Fellowship 7pm,Carolina Food Court

4-30 Communion



Easter Celebration Update! Thanks to everyone who came out, prayed, served, and talked to new people. Total estimated crowd was 250-300 people!

Wednesday Evening Study: Words To Fast From, 7pm.  Word or phrase this week: “I am cursed.” Please join us for these studies. They have been thought provoking , personal and meaningful.

Mowing Schedule: Please sign up!

We now have 120 videos of music and message on our YouTube page!

Stay Connected

Ways to keep up with the ministry of “The Drive.”

Facebook Group- Eva Drive Baptist Church

Twitter- keithnavey

Youtube: Evadrive Baptist


Forgiveness- Give and Receive

Sermon Notes


What Are You Prepared For?


Luke 24:1-4
  1. Expiration
  2. Exasperation
  3. Exclamation
  4. Expectation